sábado, 7 de enero de 2012


HAPPY 2012!!!

Have you heard about New Year's Resolutions?

A New Year's resolution is a commitment that a person makes to one or more personal goals, projects, or the reforming of a habit. People committing themselves to a New Year's resolution generally plan to do so for the whole following year. This lifestyle change is generally interpreted as advantageous.

Here you have some of the most common resolutions:

-Quit smoking
-Get in shape
-Save more, spend less
-Dedicate more time to family
-Read more
-Learn a musical instrument
-Get in to a relationship
-Learn a new language
-Control temper:
-Keep up with the resolutions

Other lists include:

■Keeping in touch with friends more
■Exercising more
■Eating a more healthy diet
■Relaxing more
■Helping family more
■Learning something new
■Saving more money
■Reducing loans and debts.
■Becoming a volunteer for a local organization or charity
■Making regular contributions to a world wide charity
■Being more environmentally aware
■Recycling more products
■Helping a neighbour or a friend in need

Add comments with your resolutions for 2012.


9 comentarios:

  1. I want to improve in snowboard and learn a moatay.
    I think i can study more.
    passing all exams is my most important resolution.
    I want to read more

    Carlos garcía gutiérrez

  2. I want to get organiced,do more exercise and eat breakfast every days.
    I think I can relaxing more and get higher marks

  3. I think I can start eat fruit and get in shape
    I want to pass all the exams
    and...I want to be less pessimistic
    I want to have a long relationship with my boyfriend

    Patricia Naharro Aguilar

  4. My new year's resolutions are:

    1. I want enjoy more life.
    2. I think I can relaxing more.
    3. Keeping in touch with friends more.
    4. I think I can start eat fruit.
    5. I want help others.
    6. Keeping up with the resolutions.

  5. I want to improve English and French.
    I want to pass all my exams,read more and i think i can study more.

  6. my resolutions for this year are:
    I want to learn to play guitar.
    I want to getting more organized.
    I learn more english.
    And keeping up with the resolutions.

  7. Myresolutions for this year are:
    help others
    eat more fruit and vegetables
    save more, spend less
    relaxed mores

  8. My resolutions for this year are:
    1~Save more money and spend less
    2~Eat breakfast every morning
    3~I want to pass all my exams
    4~And do more exercise
