miércoles, 17 de septiembre de 2014


FIND SOMEONE WHO...  (Deadline: 28th sept.2014)

1. likes English             (Do you like English?)
2. went to the beach last summer (Did you go to the beach last summer?)
3. can tell a good joke
4. has more than one brother or sister
5. has visited a museum recently
6. has a pet
7. walks to school
8. celebrates his or her birthday the same month you do
9. went to the cinema last weekend
10. is reading a book at the moment
11. is good at Maths
12. can sing very well
13. can play a musical instrument
14. is great at painting
15. is allergic
16. practises a sport
17. has the same breakfast you do
18. comes from a different area of Spain
19. loves dancing
20. gets up early at weekends

What did you find out about your classmates? Add your comments. 

"I found out ..."
"I didn't know..."
"Now I know" 

11 comentarios:

  1. Example
    I found out Mary walks to school

  2. Lydia Bejarano Manzano 3C

    i found out that i was only chil and that andrea went mcdonal yesterday
    i found out that javir doesn;t like pizza and that daniel practices more than two sports
    i found out that victoria likes dancing and that alberto can play chess

    i didn;t know that elena was born in january and that pilar was born in extremadura
    i didnt know that fernando liked math and that tania your favorite colour is blue
    i didn;t know that rosa travelled to britain and that alberto reads a bood in the last summer

    now i know that victoria comes walking to school every day and that andrea has a pet
    now i know that juan doesn;t like sweet and that nico has visited more than two countries this summer
    now i know that alberto drank coffe at breakfast today and that me was born in august

  3. María Pizarro Vázquez 3ºC
    I found out that Alicia doesn't has any animals and Celia was born in Extremadura.
    I found out that Victoria likes sweets and Mercedes swim very well.
    I found out that Sandra likes blue and I born in August.
    I didn't know that Laura doesn't like pizza and Tania doesn't can play chess.
    I didn't know that Jorge likes potatoes and Vicente drank coffee at breakfast today.
    I didn't know that Pilar read a good book over the last summer and Alicia likes dancing.
    Now I know that Victoria has a pet and Elena speaks more than two languages
    Now I know that Sandra visited a museum during the summer and Lydia is a only child.
    Now I know that Natalia doesn't practices more than two sports and Celia doesn't visited a foreign country during summer break.

  4. Alicia Fernández Mariano 3C
    I found out that Tania drank coffee at breakfast today and Pedro has eaten at McDonals recently.
    I found out that Victoria has a pet and Pilar visited a foreing country during summer break.
    I found out that Laura likes rice better than potatoes and Victoria likes sweets.
    I didn´t know that Lydia is a only child and Vicente doesn´t practices more than two sports.
    I didn´t know that Rosa walks to school every day and Juan can play chess.
    I didn´t know that Maria wasn´t born out of Extremadura and Celia hasn´t travelled to Britain.
    Now I know that Elena was born in January and Rosa visited a museum during the summer.
    Now I know that Mercedes does like pizza and Lydia isn´t good at Maths.
    Now I know that Maria was born in August and Jorge read a good book over the last summer.

  5. Pedro Pérez Silveira 3º C

    I Found out that Juan doesn't drink coffee in his breakfast.
    I Found out that Noel walks to school every day.
    I Found out that Alicia prefers potatoes better than rice.

    I Didn't know that Dani can't play chess
    I Didn't know that Juan doesn't like dance.
    I Didn't know that Tania prefers Blue better Red or Orange.

    Now I know that Alberto doesn't born in August.
    Now I know that Laura doesn't visited Britain.
    Now I know that Juan is good at Math

  6. Daniel Martín Pérez 3ºC

    I found out that Fernando walks to school and that Vicente is good at maths.
    I found out that Juan likes sweets and that Javi has visited two countries.
    I found out that Pedro likes more blue than orange or red.

    I didn't know that Lydia was only child and Elena speaks more than two languages.
    I didn't know that Javi wasn't born in August and that Alberto likes pizza.
    I didn't know that Vicente likes better rice than potatoes and that Laura can swim well.

    Now I know that Celia has never travelled to Britain and that Noel has visited a foreign country during the summer break.
    Now I know that Fernando hasn't read a good book during the summer and that Juan was born in Extremadura.
    Now I know that Pablo don't like dancing and that Sandra practices one sport.

  7. I found out that Alberto to play chess.
    I found out that Celia has read books in the summer.
    I found out that Jorge play sports.

    I didn't know that Javier doesn't like dance.
    I didn't know that Nicolas doesn't play sports.
    I didn´t know that Rosa has read books in the summer.

    Now I know that Alberto likes pizza.
    Now I know that Lidia can swim.
    Now i know that Celia doesn't likes pizza.

  8. Mercedes Mayordomo 3C

    I found out that Laura walks to school every day and Victoria doesn´t like sweet
    I dound out that Elena likes blue better than red or orange and Tania can swim well.
    I found out that Javier can play chess and Maria was born in august.
    I didn`t know that Lydia is an only child and Jorge is good at maths
    I didn`t know that Natalia hasn`t got a pet and Sandra was born in Extremadura
    I didn`t know that Vicente doesn`t read a good book over the last summer and Elena likes dancing.
    Now I Know that Maria was born in August and Alicia speaks more than two languages.
    Now I Know that Rosa visited a museum during the summer and Victoria practice more than two sports.
    Now I Know that Jorge has a least one grandparent still alive and Pilar read a good book over the last summer.

  9. Elena Del Rio Sierra 3ºC

    I found out that Vivky like rice better than potatoes.
    I found out Maria was born in August.
    I found out that Vicente can swim well.

    I didn't know that Alica walks to school every day.
    I didn`t know that Mercedes was born out of Extremadura.
    I didn`t know that Tania practices more than two sports.

    Now I know Maia likes blue better than red or orange.
    Now I know Jorge can play chess.
    Now I Know Natalia has not travelled to Britain.

  10. Laura Monasterio Peña 3ºC

    I found out that Alberto is a only child.
    I found out that María has got a pet.
    I found out that Vicente didn't went to a museum this summer.

    I didn't know that Mercedes likes pizza.
    I didn't know that Dani went to Britain.
    I didn't know that Pedro was born in February.

    Now I know that Laura speaks spanish,english and japanese.
    Now I know that Juan doesn't breakfast coffe.
    Now I know that Pilar walks to school.

  11. victoria Otero Vaughan 3 C
    I found out that Elena was born in January
    I found out that Celia doesn't like pizza
    I found out javier Q was born in August

    I didn't know that jorge can play chess
    I didn't know that Nico read a book over the last summer
    I didn't know that Sandra like's sweets

    Now I know that Natalia has not travell to Britan
    Now I know that Maria has a pet
    Now I know that Merche was born out of Extremadura
