domingo, 16 de octubre de 2011


How did you do in Test 1? Here you have some general information and tips:

A. Vocabulary. Most of you had problems with the word bank. This exercise is very demanding and you have to prepare (=practise and study)the new words. My advice is that you make sure you have the correct meaning of all the words in the workbook word bank. And, of course, you have to study. Anyway, this was the first test and I'm sure you'll do better next time.

C. Questions. Some people had problems to write correct questions. Don't panic! This is quite common. The only secret is practice. So, here you have a website to practise asking questions.
You also have an exercise to download and practise in our 3º ESO site. This is for homework.

D.E. Some students don't know how to write "WHICH". Pleeeaaase! And some forgot the "s" with the 3rd person singular. Typical! "A doctor is a person who cureS ill people."

F. Did some of you forget to revise the photocopy with adjectives and definitions? I think so.

G. When using adverbs the problem was the use of verb tenses really. Some of you wrote: "Maybe I go to the cinema" instead of "Maybe I will go to the cinema" (future). But you can use it with present when describing people (Maybe she is a bit shy) or abilities (Maybe she can speak Spanish), etc.
If you feel you have problems, don't miss the British Council explanations and practice.

H. Reading. This was the first reading and we have to practise... a lot! We have to learn how to form correct answers without copying the whole text. Don't worry. We'll do it.

I. Writing. As with the reading, we have to practise our writing to avoid some problems such as too elementary mistakes, too short compositions, repetition, copying from the texts and these sort of things. And YES, you have to be able to write 100 words about... anything.


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